Friday, May 22, 2009

Senate Transcript

The Senate has now put up the transcripts from 30 March. It was probably more fun than it reads...


Anonymous said...

Wow how can you sit through this without having a straight face? I have to come back and read this in full when I have the time cause its a nice slice of Aussie. A chair person saying "V/Line is all of the country stuff?" STUFF? And discussions about bike helmets vs hairdos and sweat. I want to do your Powerpoint presentations, or the surveys in future.

Michael said...

Laughing... I have to admit, when a Senator says, the "country stuff", I sympathise, 'caus then he sounds like me. If I send you a flick mail, can you send me your email address and I'll shoot you a copy of the powerpoint that we did for this?