Monday, February 2, 2009

I ate a bit hanging off my duck

There have been some wonderful moments, and wonderful quotes in the last few days:
  • Friday I met A Mayor. This particular Mayor had previously sought higher office, and F made the observation that his acceptance of his current role was like an aspiring captain of the school cricket team accepting the captaincy of the rounders team. Hoorah for big school! He has a turn of phrase and disposition that made me think that Hunter Thompson must have once had a school master. "A pocket of toxic incompetence" was my favourite...
  • Saturday we drove through Fairfield at night to get Will to sleep. Wonderment upon wonderment, a train went through the crossing and The Dog's* eyes lit up! The navigation light on his tail was also on, but his tail didn't wag (although I have seen this happen many years ago). I've been told by someone on the Council that sometimes he works and sometimes he doesn't and it seems to be pretty random. I consider a wagging to be some sort of blessing.
  • And finally, tonight, eating some duck red curry Will said, - "I ate a bit hanging off my duck". I think we can all sympathise. Unless you're a duck.
*(aka FIDO - the "Fairfield Industrial Dog Object")

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