Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pictures from Canberra

Yes, it's true. From certain angles, Parliament House looks like it belongs in Tellytubby Land.

When I first started working in Canberra in 1991, my new team took me to the (then only) nearby coffee place so we could introduce ourselves. Almost 20 years later, it looks much the same.

It's not room service unless it's a club sandwich. This was ok, but not one of the greats. Salad was good (lots of soft herbs) but the dressing was sweet. Wine good, sound-proofing less so.

Guess what's behind the door? Go on, you'll never guess...


Anonymous said...

The toilet is behind the door? Don't like the look of the coffee shop after being spoilt of European options. Yes definately teletubby land haha.

Michael said...

No, it wasn't a toilet - it was another door, only this one was locked (wtf?)

I wouldn't judge our coffee shops by the Bay Tree - it hasn't changed in almost 18 years, and there have been places in Melbourne serving good coffee since for ages, since at least the 1950's.